Performing with Integrity to Inspire

Performing with Integrity to Inspire


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Project Dance envisions the day when every dancer is nurtured to their fullest human potential for their own well being and their contribution to our world. Our mission is to bring hope and healing to culture through the universal language of dance.Since the Foundation’s inception in 1996 and its incorporation in 2003, it has thrived as a 100% volunteer organization that serves more than 1500 dancers worldwide.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Marketplace Myth #1


There seems to be a trend in the church that applauds without question those Christians who throw themselves into the marketplace arena. The hope of young professionals is to pursue all that they’ve worked so hard in their lives, so far, to achieve and still appear upright before God by attending church and boldly proclaiming a relationship with Jesus. And, there is a tendency to allow that brother or sister to hold a license to live life a bit more on the edge. The pressure of a professional life and all of its demands seem to outweigh the idea of a holy life. It seems that as long as a Christian is actually in an environment where few Christians generally mingle that it’s ok to sin a little bit. There’s an idea that surely god will forgive a little sin as a way of furthering the kingdom of god. We don’t admit this attitude in the Church but it exists. The fact that many of these market place candidates find difficulty expressing their inner most secrets and struggles is a sure sign that we’re not asking the right questions. And, we’re leaving these young people out there to fend for themselves spiritually while they make a name for themselves and allow us to say “Oh, and did you know that he’s a Christian?” Have we forgotten God’s word that clearly states that he is not partial one to another? Why do we seem to exalt those who happen to work in television, or film, or stage? When it comes to God, we need to realize that there’s a whole different playing field. The measure of our well-being is merely based on what Christ did on each of our behalf.

While it may seem that God is using many Christians in the marketplace to get his name on the map, let’s remember that God doesn’t need us to make Himself known. He is a supernatural God and we should spend less time focusing on the venue in which we’re proclaiming Him and more time sharpening our personal relationship with Jesus himself. The ingredient for Christian success starts with a deep, personal and secret communication to God through Jesus by the Holy Spirit. This isn’t something learned in the marketplace or found in a random church service alone but rather through an appointed time by God that he becomes known to each one of us. The Bible says that He first loved us and that it’s not we that pursue him but he that pursues us.

Serving God is one thing, where and how you serve him is secondary to the actual service itself. The market place creates winners and losers. The market place creates super stars and super celebrities whether in business or entertainment. God cannot be contained merely to the social environment of our times. He is beyond comprehension, yet attainable. But, it is on His terms and He has made it clear that we need Him more than He needs us. He does long for us as His creation, of course, but the notion that He can’t do it without us is ridiculous. Count it an honor to be chosen to serve in an environment that you enjoy but don’t always expect it. Being adamant about how you chose to serve God will only limit what God can do in your life. Many of us say that we want only God’s will but as soon as he ask us to leave what it is we love we change our minds.

God has him eye on more than the Market place arena in the United States. Don’t miss out on the bigger picture all because while following your dream you happen to go in and out of relationship with the one true God.

Becoming a Christian and in the same breath making a decision to now do what it is that you do while loving God is only half of what God may be asking. Are you willing to 100% change your entire career/life plans/dreams/hopes/etc. Or, are you hoping that now God will just sort of come in and make things easier and better for you? Now that you have God surely you’ll get that promotion. Now that you have God in the picture surely you’ll capture that dream.

Let’s get one thing straight. God can use anyone, anytime, anywhere, for any purpose that he has ordained. If you want to be in the God picture then you must be willing to understand that God does not necessarily need you in the market place. He may chose to send you there but I recommend relinquishing that position before him and then seeing what he gives back or what he replaces it with. If you cannot do that or are not willing to do that you must then admit that you are not willing to serve God whole heartedly. The Bible says that a man thinks he knows best but God’s ways are higher than our ways. If you make a mistake and give up something that God intended for you to have, what kind of God wouldn’t then make it clear as he gave it back to you that you were doing some things right. But, your heart must be willing to let go.

So many new believers today ride the market place wave. As we see God using a handful of Christians in high profile positions we assume of God that we’ll be the next one that is used in a high profile way or a public way or in a way that we can do what it is that we absolutely love and have worked our whole lives to achieve. Don’t assume that of God. He has a unique plan for you and your love to him should be strong enough for you to absolutely give him everything.

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