Project Dance Manila 2010 proved to be an amazing faith walk! Our organization's leaders decided last October to plan for an event in The Philippines via our friend Melvin Ang, director of Vibe Dance. We knew going into this event that we would need tremendous favor in order to see this through. Over the past nine years we've held events in our world's major cities. This time we would be venturing into a land where it's needs were vast and our resources little.
I'm learning that this is just the kind of adventure that our Lord loves. He showed up in ways we couldn't believe. ALL of our needs were provided in what can only be called a "supernatural" way. I understand more fully now the "manna from heaven" teaching. Only in our case the manna was in the form of a stage, sound, lights, led walls, professional camera crew, prominant venue-THE WORKS.
We all stood, well I should say DANCED in amazement throughout the day as we experienced this provision. Not only were our needs provided but we also had the great honor in leading several hundred locals to Jesus. Along with these were several of our own participants who made the important decision to invite God into their lives.
All I can say is that I am completely overwhelmed to have had this experience. I'm renewed in knowing that God still wants to use this thing called PROJECT DANCE. I can clearly see that the vision is needed in South East Asia and we look forward to Hong Kong in October.