Performing with Integrity to Inspire

Performing with Integrity to Inspire


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Project Dance envisions the day when every dancer is nurtured to their fullest human potential for their own well being and their contribution to our world. Our mission is to bring hope and healing to culture through the universal language of dance.Since the Foundation’s inception in 1996 and its incorporation in 2003, it has thrived as a 100% volunteer organization that serves more than 1500 dancers worldwide.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Current State of Project Dance

Hi Friends of Project Dance,

Thank you for a wonderful 2009 in the life of Project Dance. This year proved to be one of our most exciting years in our history. God led us into Canada for our first ever event in Toronto. We also held event in NYC, Atlanta, and Hong Kong. All of our events were rich in ministry and networking for dancers who desire to walk through this career with God in the forefront.

Our local New York City efforts for the Kingdom were also very blessed. Atmosphere, the Project Dance "dance" company performed for The Broadway Blessing service, facilitated the dance elements for MSNY's Purelife Women's conference, and ministered to organizations like The Covenant House, a transition home for young women. This 100% volunteer dance company serves the NYC area joyfully. Though we have absolutely no budget-God seems to meet our every need.

As we finish out this great year and look ahead to an even bigger year in 2010-We really need your help. If you are in a position to give a love offering to Project Dance-NOW IS THE TIME. Typically, when we finish our last event of the year we have very little funds left. And, that's actually ok since our work for the year is almost complete. However, we do have a few outstanding bills that need to be taken care of before the year is out. And, we need to print our 2010 brochure and do a mass mailing. All total-we are in need of exactly $7400.00 before the year is out.

Your prayers and financial help are greatly appreciated. I know that times are very tough for all of us. Ron and I are in serious prayer about how we will continue to remain in NYC and continue the work God has placed on our hearts. Sometimes we think about how "easy" it would be to move to the burbs and get a nice sized house and just simply "call it a day". But, as we linger down that thought process, God prompts our hearts and reminds us that our work here is not finished. We desire to see The Project Dance House become a reality-leaving a long time legacy for those dancers who are coming through in the future. Ron continues to minister to the homeless of NYC-now going on his 18th year. Our kids, though growing up quickly in a 1 bedroom apartment, are extremely happy and thriving. We are here to stay and see this vision through. And, you are part of that vision coming to pass. Without your support-it just won't happen. We are in the family of God and need that family to see us through.

Project Dance is full of amazing and wonderful volunteers who work hours and hours to make Project Dance look great. For example, all of our graphic work is done by Kevin Osgood. He serves in this ministry out of his love for this vision. He put together our promo video and all of our brochures, and he professionally films the NY event and makes it available for the dancers. I want to bless Kevin for the work he so graciously gives. Will you help me do that?

As we approach our 10 year anniversary I believe God is calling us to go beyond anything we've ever done before. Not only will we see the events spread around the world. But, we will also see a continual reconciliation within the professional performing community. This year I've had top dancers in the NYC scene come to me, wanting to be a part of Project Dance. What once seemed like 2 totally different worlds is slowly but surely merging. This can only happen when the heart of God is on the move for his artists. One of our dreams is to begin a worship service specifically for the professional performing community. This is something the Lord has placed on my heart.

Project Dance is a family! To date-all of the work that has been accomplished is an effort by many within the Body who believe who God has a heart for dancers and that dancers have something meaningful to contribute to the world and back to God. Project Dance stands as a bridge for those dancers who may not yet be ready to walk into the church. Project Dance is a bridge for those believers who have felt rejected by The Church, Project Dance stands in the gap for dancers around the world who are finding their voice and purpose in the Kingdom of God. Project Dance is still a need within the greater Body of Christ. I'm amazed that I still meet dancers who are asking questions that many of us asked 10 years ago. Does God approve of dance? Can God love a dancer? Is dance from God?

By supporting Project Dance you become a part of this very important "mending" that needs to take place for the dance world.

I know this is a long email-there is even more on my heart but I know time is limited when reading daily emails. If you have any questions about our local and international events, The Project Dance House, our local efforts in NYC, our great vision-please feel free to write to me at

Please pray about giving today. And, consider giving a recurring gift. We know how giving works. When we give-we do receive. The question is...Am I called to give to Project Dance? If that answer is yes-please go online and give today.
Click here to give!

If you prefer to write a check, make it payable to Project Dance and mail it to:

The Project Dance Foundation
520 Eighth Avenue
Suite 329
New York, NY 10018

Thank you for taking the time today to hear our heart for Project Dance.
God Bless You,
Ron and Cheryl Cutlip